How to analyse your mocks for SNAP test 2019

With SNAP test being one of the upcoming MBA entrance exams, your preparations to excel in it might be in full swing. By studying from books of reputed authors, you’re trying to conceptually reach a level where you don’t have to blink an eye before solving a question. While it is a fruitful idea, your efforts will go in vain if you don’t test your knowledge frequently before the exam. How do you do that? By giving SNAP mock tests.
Mocks play a vital role in your preparations. The number of mocks you give can be the difference between you and your Symbiosis admission. How so? Let’s find out.
Why you should give mocks
- Helps you figure out where you stand
There is this misconception among MBA aspirants that mocks should only be given when they finish their syllabus, no matter how long it takes. It couldn’t be farther from the truth. You should take mocks at the earliest, irrespective of your syllabus status. It will help you identify your strong chapters and the ones that need more hours of practice.
Also, mocks will give you a direction in terms of completing your portion. Based on your early mock scores, you can prioritise a few chapters over others. The preferences will depend on their importance and difficulty level. With time, you will not only complete your syllabus quickly but also see a gradual improvement in your scores. It will give you a lot of confidence and keep you in a good mind space in the days preceding the exam.
- Improves your exam speed
Since SNAP test 2019 is a speed-based exam, it is vital you keep a time limit for each question. For example, you should aim to give not more than a minute to solve per quant question. It will not only help you finish that section but other sections too.
Therefore, give mocks frequently to develop the habit of attempting maximum questions in the given time. You will also get an idea about the type of questions where you are spending more time than required. To counter that, you will devise strategies to make sure you solve the paper in the allotted time and be content with your overall attempt.
- Gives you an idea about the critical chapters
In every section, some chapters carry more weightage than others. Giving frequent mocks helps you identify them. For example, if questions from topics like Geometry, Mensuration and Number system consists of nearly 50% of the entire Quantitative Aptitude section, your mocks will follow a similar pattern. It will accustom you to the expected paper pattern. Therefore, you can focus more on these subjects to make sure you score maximum marks in your quant section.
- A better understanding of the paper pattern
The paper pattern of SNAP is different from other competitive exams. For example, SNAP has a GK section which CAT doesn’t. The GK section is as relevant as the other three sections. Therefore, you have to create a strategy that gives equal importance to each section. For that, you need to have a thorough understanding of SNAP’s paper pattern. Giving frequent mocks helps you achieve that level of understanding.
Now that you have a complete understanding of the importance of mock tests, let’s learn how to analyse them.
How to analyse your mocks
- Don’t analyse a mock in a hurry
For a two-hour mock test, the ideal time for analysing it is four hours, i.e. double the time. This is because a mock test consists of 130 questions and four sections in total. Therefore, you need to analyse each section and question thoroughly to get the full benefit of attempting a mock. How do you interpret it? Let’s find out.
When you analyse sectionally, measure your performance by counting the number of correct, incorrect and unanswered questions. This will give you an idea about your strong topics and the ones which require more revision. Plus, you can identify your strengths sections and work harder to master them.
When you analyse each question, your first metric should be to check the weightage of each topic in each section. Since some topics have more weightage than others, you can cover the maximum portion in a short period by prioritising these topics. Also, check the time you took to solve each question. It will help you figure out where you need to cut down your time so that you can attempt maximum questions in the allotted time.
- Identify your strong and weak points
The four sections of SNAP are – Verbal Ability, Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and General Knowledge. To ace in each section, you have to identify your strong and weak topics. Consistently attempting mocks helps you with that. Moreover, you can focus on your weak areas and maximise your overall scoring potential.
- Re-solve the unattempted and incorrect questions
If you don’t solve your unattempted and incorrect questions in your mock, you won’t learn what went wrong while attempting them. Thus, you won’t find improvement in the subsequent mock tests, which will demotivate. Hence, avoid this mistake by solving each unattempted and incorrect question. It will imprint the concept in your mind.
- Create a strategy for the rest of the mocks
After attempting a bunch of mocks, you get a fair idea of where you are good at and where you can improve. Use that information to create a strategy that can be applied for the rest of the mocks. It can be attempting your most well-prepared section first, where you confidently answer the questions and set the tone for the rest of the paper. If the strategy doesn’t work, draw out a new one. This trial and error method will help you come up with a final exam strategy, which you can use on D-day.
There you have it – a complete overview of the mocks for Symbiosis’s MBA entrance exam. It will immensely aid in your preparations and fill you with confidence by the time you fill SNAP’s MBA application form. We wish you the best of luck!