Gain Professional Success Amidst Economic Slowdown

Currently, India is going through an economic slowdown. According to some experts, the cause of the slowdown stems from supply-side shocks. The most significant contributors to this problem include demonetization, stressed banking sector, and GST implementation. However, according to Joel Paul, RiseSmart’s General Manager, there are ways an employee can protect their jobs in such a recession. Let’s take a look at a few of them:
Personal Branding
Today, it’s essential that every professional be aware of their personal brand. Recruiters today tend to look at a person’s online profile before connecting with them in real life. According to Forbes, excellent personal branding will distinguish you from competitors and enable you to establish trust with prospective organizations. Therefore, it’s important that you create a strong profile. Professional networking sites are a great place to showcase skills and achievements regularly.
Obtain More Skills
Re-assessing your skills from time to time is a great practice even without the threat of an economic slowdown. Today, industries change really fast and usually require new skills. Continually working on gaining new skills is essential to remain competitive during career transitions and for future mobility. One way to stay up to date is to obtain certifications regarding the latest development in a particular field.
Develop Your Network
Over the past few years, networking has become a very important aspect of a successful career. A stable and widespread network provides insight into trends as well as insider news on job opportunities and change within a business. MBA students are well versed with the importance and art of networking; therefore, they stay in touch with old classmates, teachers, and colleagues even when they aren’t actively looking for a job. It’s important to note that successful networking is a continuous effort.
Get The Right Education
The degree you hold can play an enormous role in your career and its stability. The most sought after professionals are graduates with an MBA degree from well-known business schools. Why? An MBA is a program that trains students with the help of theory and practical exposure. The curriculum of an MBA program ensures that students are great at technical and managerial roles. Organizations that hire an MBA graduate gain an indispensable resource. Today, MBA programs are also offered in niche areas like business analytics, agri-business, information security, and more. This makes it easier to choose a program that is in line with career aspirations and interests.
Economic slowdowns can come unannounced and wreak havoc across industries. However, for those that regularly upgrade their skill, have a strong network, and have the right degree can usually sail through the rough waters.
Tag:MBA program