The Fundamentals You Must Know About Six Sigma

You must have heard that Six Sigma Certification is a crucial part of the curriculum when you pursue Operations management in MBA. Let’s apprehend the fundamentals of Six Sigma with this blog.
Six sigma is famous for its learnings of quality management approach that benefits an organization or individual to eliminate or reduce the defects in services or products. It can also be understood as a group of techniques that can help you in improving the quality of end product or service.
Instead of guesswork, six sigma is more inclined towards statistical analysis to improve the processes with unknown obstacles.
Why do we need Six Sigma?
Here’s a list of significant benefits of Six Sigma Process in any industry:
- Shorten time to market for the product or service
- Better competitive position
- Improve customer satisfaction by cutting down the cost for the organization significantly
- Simplify operations by reducing defects, rejections, and re-working
- 99.9999966% of products manufactured in six sigma process are expected to be free of errors
- It’s efficient in allowing you to remove waste and inefficiency, thereby improving the customer satisfaction rate.
History of Six Sigma
Here’s a list of all significant landmarks from the six sigma history:
- In 1970, Motorola began exploring with their problem-solving employing statistical analysis.
- After 16 long years in 1986, Bill Smith, a senior scientist in Motorola, shared the concept of six sigma to aid in the way defects are counted.
- In 1987, the Six Sigma program was launched by Motorola.
- In 1991, Motorola certified its first Black belt six sigma expert.
- In the year 2000, Six Sigma was accepted as an industry standard and likewise formulation of its training, consultancy, and implementation was done.
What’s Six Sigma Certification?
A certificate course makes sure that a Six Sigma Accredited practitioner should be subjected to the entire Six Sigma Body of Knowledge (BoK). They should adhere to a minimum standard of proficiency for six sigma and its particular accomplishment.
The Six Sigma certification has five levels as:
- White Belt
- Yellow Belt
- Green Belt
- Dark Belt
- Master Black Belt
But, it’s not necessary to be six sigma belt certified in all three levels. Each individual can select the level that is suitable according to your career objectives.
Learning objectives of This Six Sigma certifications
Listed below, are essential learning goals of six sigma certifications:
- Six Sigma certifications can help you improve your worth to your organization and its clientele base.
- It can support you to better client satisfaction rate and quality of product and service
- Lessens the process cycle time and consequently allows overall price saving up to 30 percent
- It empowers you to recognize and enhance requirements from the project outlining stage.
- Demonstrates how to measure product and process
- It assists you to perform data analysis and hypothesis testing.
- It facilitates possible improvement activities for the functionality of variants.
- They are the right fit to accomplish organizational objectives.
- You will acquire high grades of positions in the organization.
- This certificate training heightens your possibilities for Promotion.
- It’s possible to make your current job more convenient by using the Six Sigma tools and approaches.
- Overall Business growth
Such benefits of six sigma certification make it an important course to learn, as most employers are most interested in candidates who not only have a Six Sigma certification but also bear a history of open-ended education in the field. Therefore, six sigma certification is greatly trained during an MBA in operations management in India.