Top 10 MBA institutes in India

MBA in India is considered to be a major step towards a rewarding career. A plethora of colleges in India are helpful in accomplishing the dreams of MBA aspirants. It is imperative that the candidates get acquainted with the types of management programs that are available throughout the country.
However, only the top institutes are able to get all their students placed, the remaining institutes have to settle with 50-70% placement. The attributes are the quality of faculty, infrastructure and gap between academia and working environment – just to name a few. Pay woes – MBA graduates are accepting Rs 2-3 LPA salary. Desperation forces them to take up temporary jobs of running odd errands in companies.
No wonder then, that all the b-schools claim to have 100% placement! That makes a beautiful catch-phrase. However, it would be a mistake to be convinced by such claims.
India has recently seen the emergence of an increased number of MBA colleges in almost all states of the country that impart MBA courses in a variety of specific fields.
MBA aspirants are confused as to which entrance exams to take, to be able to secure a seat in the best MBA institutes. Today, almost all the B-schools promise greater career growth, exposure to wider horizons, better perspective of the business world and of course 100% placements. You can’t rely on Google searches blindly as they all claim to be top ranked by different media groups; thanks to the marketing efforts and beautiful catch-phrases being used by them.
The Union HRD Ministry released the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) rankings on 3rd April, 2018. Among all MBA institutes in India, the top position was occupied by the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad. At the second place was IIM Bangalore, trailed by IIM Calcutta.
Here are the top 10 institutes in India for MBA according to NIRF ranking:
1) IIM, Ahmedabad
2) IIM, Bangalore
3) IIM, Calcutta
4) IIM, Lucknow
5) IIT, Bombay
6) IIM, Kozhikode
7) IIT, Kharagpur
8) IIT, Delhi
9) IIT, Roorkee
10) Xavier Labour Relations Institute, Jamshedpur
Tag:MBA, mba colleges, MBA in India, MBA in Pune